Con esta lección aprenderás cómo usar el Presente Perfecto Continuo – también conocido como el Presente Perfecto Progresivo.
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Con esta lección aprenderás cómo usar Just, Already y Yet con el Presente Perfecto.
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Just significa “a short time ago” – hace poco tiempo.
Lo puedes usar con el Presente Perfecto o con el Simple Past.
Question: Are the painters here?
Present Perfect: Yes, they’ve just arrived.
Simple Present: Yes, they just arrived.
Question: Are you hungry?
Present Perfect: No, we’ve just had dinner.
Simple Present: No, we just had dinner.
Question: Are the veterinarians in the clinic?
Present Perfect: No, sorry, they’ve just left.
Simple Past: No, sorry, they just left.
Already significa “before expected” – antes de lo esperado.
Lo puedes usar con el Presente Perfecto y el Pasado Simple.
Question: What time is the dentist coming?
Present Perfect: He’s already arrived.
Simple Present: He already arrived.
Present Perfect: It’s only 6:00 A.M. and we’ve already sold all the vegetables and fruit.
Simple Past: It’s only 6:00 A.M. and we already sold all the vegetables and fruit.
Sentence: The new mail carrier is very polite.
Present Perfect: Yes, I know. I’ve already met him.
Simple Past: Yes, I know. I already met him.
Yet significa “until now” – hasta ahora.
Lo puedes usar con el Presente Perfecto y Pasado Simple.
Únicamente se usa con oraciones negativas y preguntas.
Se coloca al final de la oración.
Question: Are you watching the weather forecast?
Present Perfect: No, they haven’t aired it yet.
Simple Past: No, they didn’t air it yet.
Question: Does Andy know we’re having pizza for dinner?
Present Perfect: No, I haven’t told him yet.
Simple Past: No, I didn’t tell him yet.
Present Perfect: Have they sold all the donuts yet?
Simple Past: Did they sell all the donuts yet?
Present Perfect: Has she gone to the new grocery store yet?
Simple Past: Did she go to the new grocery store yet?
Transforma estas oraciones en Present Perfect:
Transforma estas oraciones en Pasado Simple.
Aprende la diferencia ente PASADO SIMPLE y PASADO CONTINUO.
Estos son los temas que vamos a repasar en esta lección:
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